Should I Hire a Pest Control Company / Exterminator?

Many people don't know where to turn for help. Is your regular pest control company the right choice?

Do not hire a pest control company or exterminator to handle a wildlife conflict. Many people aren't sure of where to turn when they experience a raccoon problem. Some people think of the big-name pest control companies. Firms like Terminix, Orkin, Ecolab, Rentokil, etc. Many people already use these companies, or other smaller ones, to handle insect problems around their home or property. So when encountering a raccoon issue, many people turn to a familiar face, the pest control company they already hired for bugs. The problem is that insect control and wildlife conflict resolution are as different as plumbing and dentistry. They are totally unrelated. The problem is that sometimes the pest control companies, in an effort to make money, will use their traditional methodology - poison use - in the case of wildlife conflicts. And that is both extremely inhumane and extremely ineffective.