Donate to Help Raccoons

Your donations help raccoon rehabilitators in your town do their important work

Our organization does not accept donations. We are not-for-profit, but not classified as a 501(c)3 organization. Humane Wildlife Removal Org is funded by a generous grant from an anonymous benefactor who speaks for the rights of all creatures great and small. However, you absolutely can help by donating to a local wildlife rehabilitator in your city.

How can I help wildlife preservation or raccoon rehabilitation organizations?

Your city or town contains several state licensed wildlife rehabbers who do wonderful and necessary work. They are private organizations, usually non-profit 501(c)3. They do not receive funding from the government, and rely on generous donations from wildlife lovers to fund their work. Wildlife rehabbers have many expenses, from rabies, distemper, and parvo vaccines, to infant formula, incubators, several types of food, crates, veterinary equipment, and on and on. Most of these organizations graciously accept donations. Simply go to the locations page, select your city from the map, and you will find some local rehabbers listed who will thankfully accept donations. The raccoons will be thankful too!

Other DIY Tips

Learn how to trap a raccoon in a cage trap.
Should you ever kill a raccoon? How?
Do raccoon repellents work? Where to buy?
How to properly relocate a raccoon in the wild.
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Raccoon Information

What does raccoon feces look like?
What kinds of raccoon disease could I, or my pet catch? Do all raccoons carry rabies?
Learn general raccoon biology, habitat info, etc.
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